Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Advertising Designer
  • 动画师
  • 艺术总监
  • Brand Specialist
  • Concept Designer
  • Content Creator
  • Creative Director
  • 插画家
  • Motion Graphics Specialist
  • Visual Marketing

For individuals who

Want to work in the creative industry, especially graphic design, 动画, user experience, 摄影, education and studio arts.  


Opportunities to build a wide range of creative skill sets. 现实世界的机会,从虚拟现实设计到运行一个字母印刷机. 


  • 艺术教育家
  • Graphic Designer
  • 摄影师
  • Studio 艺术ist
  • UX/UI Designer

乐虎电子的视觉艺术系是设计学院的一部分, Architecture and 艺术. 该系提供广泛的平面设计艺术重点领域的学位课程, 绘画, 版画, 陶瓷, 画, 雕塑, 摄影 and art education. 它提供广泛的课程,其理念是为创造性策略的发展奠定坚实的基础, digital literacy, design ability, 批判性思维和艺术/设计历史意识将使我们的学生为今天的艺术和设计世界做好准备.


With a vibrant major and minor program, 视觉艺术系汇集了来自大学各个学院的学生. As a primary career specialization, or as a complement to another major field, art and design is one of the most versatile areas of study. 这里是上中西部最适合艺术和设计的地方之一, 该系是十名专业艺术家/设计师/学者的家园,他们教授我们提供的每门课. We are an undergraduate program only, and are focused on the individual attention, modest class sizes and high quality advising for our undergraduate students.


Renaissance Hall, 最先进的设施位于法戈市中心,设有视觉艺术系. The building provides well-equipped studio facilities for graphic design, 画, 绘画, 版画, 摄影, 雕塑 and expanded media and 陶瓷. 我们的新数字媒体实验室配备了最新的输出设备,该计划可以访问第二个数字媒体工作室, LAAVA实验室, provides a design thinking gathering space with high tech tools including CNC, 3 d打印技术, 3D ceramic printing, laser cutting and virtual reality facilities. 印刷车间有几台蚀刻和光刻印刷机,以及凸版和丝网印刷设备. 陶瓷系学生有三个煤气窑和一个烧木窑, clay mixing facilities and 25 throwing wheels. The large 雕塑 studio houses various types of welders, a plasma cutter and other tools for metal work, woodworking and carving in stone. 一间高科技的艺术史教室可容纳75人,也可用于小班授课. 该部门在文艺复兴大厅有自己的画廊,并与主校区的纪念联盟画廊有合作关系. A wide range of exhibitions, including national traveling exhibitions, and student and faculty shows are always available on and off campus. In close proximity to the Plains 艺术 Museum, the department and the Plains work closely together, enhancing art experiences for the entire region.


教学团队由系主任和院长组成, Michael Strand, Kimble Bromley, 大卫·斯文森, 梅根·杜达, 安德鲁·斯塔克, Eric Syvertson, 杰夫·奈特以及直接与学生打交道的附属教员, Dr. Elizabeth Crisp Crawford (Advertising), Anthony Faris (Gallery Director and Capstone Instructor), Amanda Heidt (艺术ist 研究er), 亚伦杨, (Ph.D candidate and UX/UI instructor). Our faculty are involved in the practices at local, 在区域和国际两级,采用高水平参与生产的办法,以便提供更好的指导. 支持这个社区的是包括行政助理在内的专业人员, 凯利 Todd and Design Technologist, 本·伯纳德. 艺术系以随时为学生提供个人咨询和批评而自豪.


版画教育与研究工作室(梨子)是该系的研究机构. 梨已经转变为一个社区研究和版画倡导工作室. 这个项目寻求在学校和校园内跨学科的版画制作过程中交叉的方法. 此外,梨通过研讨会和独特的节目,以各种方式服务于与社区接触的土地赠款使命. The program also offers artist residencies, 实习和工作室出租给合格的艺术家,并促进在工作室生产的艺术品的销售和展览.


艺术与设计专业的学生培养了从创意策略到技术熟练程度的一系列技能. These skills are broadly applicable to careers in many different disciplines. Potential careers include marketing, 广告, 插图, graphic design, user experience specialist, 动画, arts marketing, art historian, commercial 摄影, museum and gallery work, exhibition design, 艺术治疗, professional studio artist, municipal art programs, 艺术批评, independent art instruction, industrial design, art media research, arts organizations, university instruction and K-12 education.


With an early emphasis on technology and skills relevant in the 21st century, all students graduating from Visual 艺术s have a background in design. From this foundation, students select tracks including: K-12 education, graphic design/插图, 版画, 绘画, 摄影, 陶瓷, 雕塑 and 画. 该计划为每个学生的发展提供了高度灵活和个性化的方法. 该计划的中期侧重于开发一个足够强大的投资组合,以申请顶点经验,这是一个三学分或六学分的学士学位项目和论文展览在大四. The Tri-大学 University, which includes Concordia 大学, Minnesota State Community and Technical 大学, 明尼苏达州立大学穆尔黑德分校和北达科他州立科学学院为学生提供艺术课程中没有提供的专业课程.


Students majoring in art have several degree options. 美术学士(BFA)是一种专业学位,需要75个小时的艺术课程,重点是以下一门或几门课程:平面设计, 绘画, 陶瓷, 版画, 雕塑, 摄影 or 画.

文学学士(BA)和理学学士(BS)需要57小时的艺术课程,重点是以下之一:平面设计, 插图, 绘画, 陶瓷, 版画, 雕塑, 摄影 or 画.


艺术教育是与NDSU教育学院合作提供的学士学位. A minimum of 120 credit hours are needed for graduation.


数百万美元的詹姆斯·法尔克视觉艺术基金是为即将入学的大一新生和现有视觉艺术专业学生提供的一系列新奖学金的一部分. Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence and portfolio review. 欲了解更多信息,请联系NDSU视觉艺术系,电话:(701)231-8818或电子邮件 凯利


辅修艺术是灵活的,强调深度而不是广度,以“恭维”学生的专业. 这种灵活性允许学生选择适合他们教育目标的道路. 例如, 在学生的辅修课程中强调图形设计将是对许多领域的理想恭维, including marketing, 广告, 业务, architecture and engineering.